Hypnosis and Regression

during states of hypnotic trance are an efficient method to heal problems and anxiety.

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About me

My name is Wolfgang Scheller.
My offers are Dolores Cannon's QHHT® - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and classical hypnosis acc. Dr. Preetz as well as individually designed regressions.

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Frequently asked questions

to frequently asked questions concerning hypnosis, the procedure, and definitions are offered here.

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Every day there are moments in our lives where we put ourselves into hypnosis. For a few seconds or longer the analytic mind steps backwards and all of a sudden we find ourselves in a past scene or a desirable future, or simply hypnotized by flames of an open fire, clouds in the sky, mesmerized by an intense color in nature, or enchanted by the rhytms of a dance.

Hypnosis is a technique enabling us to wilfully evoke this state of mind and use it for healing of fears, problems, or karmic issues.

You are aware and concious during a hypnosis session and may step out of the experience anytime. At no time you can be persuaded to do or talk about things you don‘t want or against your morals and beliefs.

Are you ready for a healing experience right now?

I offer to assist and guide you on this journey of your soul. Your trust in your higer self and my guidance are essential for our work. I am the flight controller assisting you to land wherever your soul wants to take you.

Do you want to spare five minutes of your time?

In case you may sit back and relax I wish to offer you a short demonstration to hear and feel a hypnotic state here.

Please contact me here in case of any questions.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Dr. Norbert Preetz Qualitäts-Gütesiegel
Dr. Norbert Preetz Qualitäts-Gütesiegel
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